
Mobile E-commerce Will Be The Next Goldmine

Mobile E-commerce Will Be The Next Goldmine

When the traditional retail tycoons are still hesitant to push into the online shopping, the network operators has shifted their perspectives to the mobile Internet.

In the past two years, the popularity of smart phones,mbt schuhe, provides the conditions for mobile e-commerce,chaussures christian louboutin, and becomes the original power supporting the steady development of mobile e-commerce. the Apple iPhone have set off a wave of sarmt phones in worldwide areas and many APPs now are direclty put into the smart phones.

The CEO of China electronics wholesale company ePathChina ( ),Yide Huang believes that Apple's iPhone and iPad have completely changed the way of mobile applications; in additon, with the mobile payment business of telecom operators and third party payment company has matured,hogan, in the field of mobile Internet, e-commerce is expected to achieve broader prospects than in the PC side.

He points out that with compared with the conventional electronic business,christian louboutin soldes, the greatest advantage of mobile e-commerce is that users can conduct business at anytime, anywhere and users can customize the subclass services of mobile e-commerce and related information according to their needs and preferences .

In addition, convenient mobile payment service and good credit mechanism will also promote the rapid development of mobile commerce.

Taobao announced recently that it is the Taobao opening year in 2011, they will overall deeply open the sellers & buyers business, wireless, and logistics fields, and lead in the third party enterprises and service providers to jointly promote the healthy development of high-speed e-commerce ecosystem.It manifest that Taobao forward the strategic direction to the new blue ocean-Mobile e-commerce. Prior to Taobao, Vancl officially announced the launch of mobile Vancl website and mobile Vancl client.

It shows that mobile application has become the battlefield of e-commerce giants in 2011. Not only the Taobao,hogan vendita,Vancl ,Jingdong,Dangdang in Chinese market,mbt zum Verkauf, but also the worldwide famous giants have started to layout the mobile ecommerce.

As one reputable and reliable B2C vertical electronics online shop, ePathChina.com,chaussures christian louboutin, will be always striving for supplying durable ,high-quality and cheap China electronics for the old and new consumers all over the world.

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